Sculpture Co. editions, Artworks

Armature Fragment L (steel)


Armature Fragment L (steel), 2/8, 2020

steel, epoxy and acrylic paint, edition of 8
113 x 28 x 25cm
$ 3,500 or $ 350 over 10 months with Art Money


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The chroma-key blue cluster of linear elements that form ‘Armature Fragment L (steel)' represent just a sample of an ongoing body of speculative and physical works that draw on Timothy Morton’s notion of Hyperobjects. First coined in 2008 this term is a way of making sense of ecological objects with spatial and temporal dimensions; the totality of which extends far beyond the limits of human perception. Examples include global warming, the COVID-19 virus, the internet, all the styrofoam ever created and the stock market. Our perception of these things is intimate but only ever partial hence it is a concept that challenges traditional ideas of ‘thingness’.

- Tom Borgas

Tom Borgas is an Adelaide-based visual artist working from a sculptural foundation across multiple platforms including gallery and project work, public sculpture, festival interventions, performance, workshops and education. Borgas’ work has been shown at galleries and venues across Australia. Commissioned work has been developed for clients including the City Of Brisbane, The City of Adelaide, Urban Art Projects, Charter Hall, Golden Age Group and Hilton Hotel Adelaide. His practice has also been supported through organisations including the Australia Council for the Arts, Arts South Australia, NAVA, Guildhouse and The Helpmann Academy. In 2020 he was awarded the Unitcare Digital Art Award as part of SALA Festival and is a finalist in both the Waterhouse Natural History Prize and Heysen Prize for Landscape.